
Spotify download mac air
Spotify download mac air

spotify download mac air

In most cases, the data is deleted when you quit the application, but this doesn’t always happen. In the Spotify case, the cache is the music you streamed or downloaded during a session when you used the app. If you spend all day listening to Spotify while you work, the cache can grow quite large. Note that the data is encrypted not to copy it to another drive and keep copies of your downloaded songs.

spotify download mac air

To reduce the cache’s size, so you don’t have to manually clear it as often, review the quality settings in Preferences. The higher quality you have set, the more data will be streamed, and the larger the cache will grow. If you’re listening through Mac’s external speakers, do you really need to stream at the highest quality? If not, change the settings to a lower-quality option, and you’ll reduce the cache size. You will reduce the amount of data streaming over your internet connection.

Spotify download mac air